Long exposure can also be great for capturing moving items as well. I love to take photos of car lights moving around at night. The first five pictures were shot in a bridge connecting a convention center with a hotel. I unfortunately did not have my tripod to prevent further blurring, but I was also leaving a convention, so there wasn't much I could really do about that.
When you take photos of cars like these first few photos, it really gives a nice feel. To me, it's almost ghostly, or like time is moving both fast and slow at the same time. It's as if the viewer is standing still while things rush on around them, so that's why I enjoy taking these types of photos.

These next few photos are some long exposure shots that I took while I was being driven around at night. There are never two of the same photo, you are constantly moving during these types of photos. It's fascinating to take them in a city area, because there are more lights to take photos of, and it's amazing to see the streaks of lights trailing across the photo. To me it reminds me of lightning and chaos, which is an interesting combination. It's an art form, and I love looking at these photos.